Adventure Experiences at Carolina Creek
March 7, 2025
You MUST register two weeks prior to the training in order to participate. Thank you for choosing Adventure Experiences!
To register, please call or email the contact below - registration is considered incomplete until this FORM has been submitted AND payment has been received by Adventure Experiences. All payments are made to Adventure Experiences, LLC.
Primary Contact: AE Training (936-594-2945)
Training Location: Carolina Creek (84 Wimberly Ln, Huntsville, TX 77320)
This certification will include 1 day of testing.
Pre-requites Required:
At least 18 years of age
150 hours of additional facilitation since acquiring previous Level 2 Certification
Up-To-Date Portfolio
Training Event Pricing: $300
Accommodations: Accommodations will be available at the hosting facility for an additional charge.
[$10] - Lunch on the day of testing
[$35] - If you need to arrive prior to the training, lodging can be provided for an additional charge