Adventure Experiences at Carolina Creek
February 24 - 28, 2025
You MUST register two weeks prior to the training in order to participate. Thank you for choosing Adventure Experiences!
To register, please call or email the contact below - registration is considered incomplete until this FORM has been submitted AND payment has been received by Adventure Experiences. All payments are made to Adventure Experiences, LLC.
Primary Contact: AE Training (936-594-2945)
Training Location: Carolina Creek (84 Wimberly Ln, Huntsville, TX 77320)
This certification will include 4 days of training & 1 day of testing.
Pre-requites Required:
At least 18 years of age
Training Event Pricing: $425
Accommodations: Accommodations will be available at the hosting facility for an additional charge.
[$280] - 4 nights / 13 meals (Monday Lunch - Friday Lunch)
[$35] - If you need to arrive prior to the training, lodging can be provided for an additional charge